Thursday, June 18, 2015

What does the name 1913USD stand for?

December 23rd 1913 will be a date that is remembered in infamy for all time.  It was the date that the american financial system, and soon to be the world was given into the hands of private bankers.  AKA the federal reserve (however it is private, not a part of the federal government).  The Treasury adbicated its right to print money to the fed.  Since this date money has ceased to exist in america.  There is no money.  Federal reserve notes are bills of DEBT, not bills of money.  Like I said money no longer exists, the only thing that exists in the world is debt.  Since 1913 our "money" has lost 95% of its value due to inflation.  Well this service is designed to dampen your risk of future inflation.

1913USD's value is based directly on this website:

So in june 2015 that site says that $1 in 1913 is worth $24.02 2015 dollars.  So this is what a 1913USD coin
is based on, it is like you are buying the digital equivalent of a 1913 dollar, before all this mess happened.
The 1913 dollar will always hold its value no matter what the inflation is, and 1913USD service attempts to mimic that in a digital way to crowdsource
future inflation to help protect you from it.

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